Radiant realm D&D

Welcome to the 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Universe of Radiant Realm!


Running as many as five sessions a day, seven days a week, the Radiant Realm is the collective effort of a team of GMs and support staff working 365 days a year to help hundreds of D&D players tie their characters into a single game world.  Our 4 hour regular game sessions come in a variety of level ranges and run the gamut of complexity, from simple kick-in-the-door dungeon crawls to high court intrigue.  New games are being added all the time to accommodate for a rapidly growing player base, and if you stop by we'll find a spot for you.


We understand that joining a new gaming community can be a daunting task.  This is why we work so hard to make sure your first impression is a good one.  We have filled this website with information that will make it easy for you to join a game and start playing within a week - sometimes even within the same day! 

Our commitment to you...

First, and most importantly, we want you to know that we work hard to make sure Radiant Realm is as inclusive a space as possible.  We welcome everyone to join us, and have strict policies against harassment towards minority groups.  Each of our GMs are committed to making sure your pronouns, person, personal space, and peace of mind are respected.

Dungeons & Dragons is a freeform game that may contain dark themes and violence.  It is not our intention to linger on graphic depictions, nor do we find it necessary to include subject matter that draws unsavory parallels to the aspects of real life that we all want to leave behind us when we explore a fantasy setting.  Games that do feature heavier subject matter as a crucial part of their story engage with it in a safe environment, and have their topics included in their content note so you can make an informed choice about whether to check it out, or find a game better suited for you.  We will check in with you from time to time as we get to know you, and make sure that our creativity and yours creates an adventure that is engaging and fun - we don't need to upset our players in real life to make that happen.  Particularly distasteful and unpleasant topics are entirely avoided.

If for some reason you are still hesitant that we can deliver on that promise, I can only invite you to ask our hundreds of players on the Discord, and refer you to our long history of running dozens of games each week without needing to resort to shock, vulgarity, or abuse to tell a good story.

Please read our Code of Conduct for further information. 

Please note: the Code of Conduct will be enforced regardless of whether or not all parties involved in a given circumstance have read the document.

Now let's talk about the process of joining your first game!  

If you're new to Radiant Realm, come join our Discord server (and carefully read and respond to the welcome message), then feel free to jump in the introductions channel to introduce yourself and what kind of game you're looking for.  Once you've found a game that fits your schedule and needs, you can sign up for a session over the Discord in the #sign-ups channel for that game.  It is completely fine to ask in a game's signup channel if there is room in a game, and/or to inquire in the #Questions-and-Answers channel for general availability.  In the name of each Game's Discord channels you'll find which day of the week and at what time those games occur. 


Beginning in November, our weekly games will be $12 per player for one of our scheduled 4 hour sessions.

Additionally, we offer the option to have sessions outside these times for $20 per player for an extra 2 hour session, usually to catch a player up to speed on current events, to accomplish a goal that doesn't require the entire party, delve into backstory, or canonize a character on our World Anvil.  We like to think of these special, extra Sessions like a personalized, interactive two-hour movie. 

We have also just launched a new experimental format that you can read more about here.

Creating a character

Please consider bookmarking the Myzelis Player's GuideThe Myzelis Player's Guide contains the Introduction to the setting, Setting Rules, and the Character Creation Guide, as well as the Campaign Calendar!

We update the guide each time there is a major change to the world or a new D&D book is printed, and have made sure that even uncommon questions you might have about character creation are answered there.  As always, you may ask your questions in the #Questions-and-Answers channel on our Discord for more information, and pick our GMs' and Players' brains for character concepts and advice in the #Character-Help channel.

Getting involved

If you can see a channel and have permission to post in it, you are welcome to do so, so long as what you're posting is relevant to the purpose of that channel.  We enjoy your participation, and assure you that a question asked in good faith is never unwelcome.  Besides, it might help someone else later on, joining their first game just like you.

If you are new to D&D 5e, this is also a good time to crack open the Player's Handbook and start familiarizing yourself with the basic rules of the game. 

We hope to see you soon!

Radiant Realm D&D Team



Fall 2020 - Current

Myzelis is a world covered in mists that separate and define a dozen different campaign settings, each with their own adventure.  Binding them all together is a massive metropolis from which great stories can be forged in literally any direction.  This world also features our first foray into fully online campaigns alongside our in-store games (when it is safe to do so), infinitely increasing our capacity for more games in one massive world.


Spring 2018 to Summer 2020

Armea was the world that started it all. Gods walking the earth, dragons hundreds of miles long, classic swords and sorcery, and a nation of warlocks that defied definition - our first season spanned two years, thousands of games, and spawned seven 12-hour world events featuring the simultaneous play of 50-80 players each


Our GMs are handpicked through an interview process, many of them from creative, local players who are excited to share their creations with you.  Some of them run two or sometimes even more sessions a week, racing back down to a local game store (or onto their computers) after school or work to get back into the game and roll some dice.

Most of these GMs have selected a Scribe from the community - someone to take down the notes of each session and compile the game's important info on our dedicated World Anvil, a wiki that chronicles the length and breadth of our shared world.  Many players take eager advantage of our offer to have their favorite characters immortalized in a Canonization with their GM, where we take down all the details about your character and dedicate a page to them on our World Anvil for all to see. 

Aspiring Radiant Realm GMs should be enthusiastic about our Code of Conduct and the continuous proactive process of nurturing a safe gaming space, prepared for a rigorous interview process, and expect to work in a collaborative, communicative team environment.