Item Supplement

Radiant Realm D&D uses a number of items that are not found in any published material.  Items on this page are the most up to date version of these Radiant Realm creations, and supersede other versions.

Item Supplement : Myzelis Character Creation Options

Animal Training Kit

Mass produced by Gylidder Wrenjers for sale to proficient animal trainers and dabblers alike, this gear manages to be affordable and useful.  The kit contains harnesses, collars, leashes, toys, and treats appropriate for the training and handling of Beasts.  It has ten uses; as an action, you can expend one use of the kit to gain Advantage on a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. 

20 gp

5 lb

Bat Helmet

This unique metal helmet bears large, bat-like ears that confer advantage on hearing-based Wisdom (Perception) checks.  Since its shape and function are directly correlated, it must be crafted or adjusted by a blacksmith and tailored to a specific creature before it is useful - a process that takes ten minutes by anyone proficient in blacksmithing tools. 

300 gp

8 lb


These cork or hard wax plugs confer disadvantage on hearing-based Wisdom (Perception) checks, but also grant advantage on saving throws versus any spell or effects that cause thunder damage, and advantage on saving throws versus any spell or effect that must be heard by the wearer of the earplugs.

5 gp

0.01 lb

Goodberry Bandolier

A finely tooled leather strap meant to be worn like a sash, with protected slots for berries created by the Goodberry spell allowing them to be more easily consumed during combat. Loading takes one minute (one round per berry) and stores ten berries that you (and only you) can pull and eat as a Bonus Action as long as you have one hand free.

10 gp

1 lb

Language Primer (Common Languages)

A common language primer is for one regional language or dialect that is common in the locality, as determined by your GM.

This primer helps a character learn a new language even when there is no one to provide tutoring.  It allows a character to be training a new language proficiency without needing a teacher to be present, and the cost of training is included in the price of the primer.

As long as the character has the primer in their possession and can reference it at the time they would interact with the language to which it pertains, they may make an Intelligence check to decipher writing or speech of the language. 

* At GM discretion, different languages may be considered common or rare for a given region, and priced accordingly

500 gp

2 lb

Language Primer (Uncommon Languages)

An uncommon language primer is for one of the following languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Primordial, Sylvan, or any regional language or dialect that is not common in the locality, as determined by your GM.

This primer helps a character learn a new language even when there is no one to provide tutoring.  It allows a character to be training a new language proficiency without needing a teacher to be present, and the cost of training is included in the price of the primer.

As long as the character has the primer in their possession and can reference it at the time they would interact with the language to which it pertains, they may make an Intelligence check to decipher writing or speech of the language. 

* At GM discretion, different languages may be considered common or uncommon for a given region, and priced accordingly

750 gp

5 lb

Money Belt

This belt is a comfortable leather strap which folds over to holds up to 50 coins or equivalent items (such as small gems) without being easily seen.  Any creature has disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception), Intelligence (Investigation), or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks to notice things hidden within the strap or steal them without being noticed. 

15 gp

1 lb

Nightsuit (Black Bodysuit)

Designed by Gylidder Agents far more interested in stealing secrets than developing their own technology, this skintight black suit is meant to be worn as clothing. It confers advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in dim light or darkness but is unfortunately rendered ineffective by any armor. 

150 gp

1 lb


This modified telescope features a pair of silver mirrors at either end of an "S" shaped tube, which allows one to observe their surroundings in a far more discrete way than exposing one's own head.  When holding the periscope in one hand and looking through it, you may peer over or around objects more easily without giving away your position.  You may make Wisdom (Perception) checks around full cover as long as you are within 5' of that cover's edge, and creatures looking in your direction must pass a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to see your periscope.

500 gp

2 lb

Potion Belt

A finely tooled leather strap with five slots for potions that can be quickly accessed in combat.  Loading takes one minute (two rounds per potion) and stores 5 potions you (and only you) can draw and drink as a Bonus Action as long as you have one hand free.

10 gp

1 lb


A quick-caller is a long signal whistle that allows the user to make a variety of sounds, and is designed for training and commanding Beasts.  The quick-caller can produce sounds such as clicks, chirps, trills, and (of course) whistles, ranging from quiet and subtle to loud and piercing to cover long distances.

The first quick-callers that filtered throughout Myzelis were originally Beryx's Callers that, through abjuration or other phenomena, lost their magical property.  New quick-callers made based off these originals eventually deviated from the canine design, and today they can be found carved in the likeness of a host of different animals and other motifs. 

Train: When using a quick-caller, you have Advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks to train a beast that has a friendly or indifferent disposition to you.  This benefit does not apply to beasts that are hostile to you.  Their disposition need not be natural - if an aggressive beast is Charmed by you, the Advantage conferred by the whistle applies.

Command: While using a quick-caller in one hand, you can use a Bonus Action to command to a friendly beast you have trained with it, and you have Advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks with this beast.

* At GM discretion, a quick-caller may be able to aid in training creatures to be companions and mounts that are not Beasts, such as wyverns, griffons, steeders, etc.

50 gp

0.1 lb

Quick-Caller, Magical (Beryx's Caller)

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This item is a magical quick-caller, and can be used all of the ways a mundane quick-caller can, even if this item is rendered non-magical.  Beryx’s Callers are carved into the likeness of a dog, which may resemble any breed, but is most often depicted as a mastiff in mid-bark in homage to Beryx's loyal companion.

While using the Beryx’s Caller in one hand, you can use an Action to cast Sending to a canine Beast who is friendly to you and follows your commands.  Using Sending in this way also allows you to command the beast as if you were doing so directly.  Beryx’s Caller does not provide the user any ability to understand the beast’s response on its own.

The most common variations of Beryx’s Callers are:

Kyssa’s Caller: Highly prized by falconers and carved in the likeness of a bird, most often a bird of prey, these quick-callers allow the user to cast Sending to an avian Beast that they have trained with the caller.

Ysaridan’s Caller: Often carved in the likeness of a panther cub and stained black with glittering yellow eyes, these quick-callers allow the user to cast Sending to a feline Beast that they have trained with the caller.

It is rumored that there are Barbarian clans who have made varieties that honor their Beast anima, and are attuned to one of those types of animal.

300 gp (Uncommon Magic Item)

0.1 lb

Smuggler's Boots

The empty heels of these boots each contain a hidden item slot for a very small item, such as single potion or dagger.  These containers cannot be identified by sight; instead they require a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find.  Retrieving an item from these boots requires an action.

25 gp

2 lb

Snow Goggles

These bands of hard wood or bone are strapped across the face of a creature like a visor, bearing a tiny slit just over the eyes.  They negate the attack disadvantage of to light sensitivity (but the disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) remains), and grant advantage on saving throws versus being blinded by spells or effects.  They can be shifted from the eyes to the forehead (effectively removing them without dropping them or stowing them), or back to the eyes, as a bonus action.

25 gp

0.1 lb

Spider Poles

This set of interlocking, lightweight wooden poles can be assembled in one minute to create a 10 foot ladder or a 5x5x5 barred cell that can support up to 200 lbs.  Any creature within the cell can take enough of it apart in one action with a free hand to escape, and breaking free without a free hand requires a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check (which destroys the poles).  Changing its form from one to the other, or breaking it down and stowing it for travel, also takes one minute.

20 gp

20 lb

Softstep Shoes (Padded Shoes)

These very comfortable, soft-soled boots are built specifically for a single wearer to provide advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks based on sound.  Anyone with cobbling or leatherworking proficiency can adjust these boots in 10 minutes to fit a different creature.

500 gp

2 lb

Swimmer's Kit

This kit contains a snorkel, rudimentary glass goggles, flippers, and a skintight suit to confer full movement speed underwater and advantage on stealth checks from being observed by creatures that are observing the wearer from outside the body of water.  The kit takes one minute to don or doff, and half as long with help. 

100 gp

8 lb

Tree Tent

This set of rain-resistant fabric sheets, pitons, and rope creates a hammock large enough for one medium sized creature that can be erected at any height off the ground between two suitable objects within 15 feet of each other.  Erecting this tent or breaking it down requires one minute, or half as long with help.

50 gp

8 lb

Wrist Blades

These metal bracers bear sharp blades along their lateral edges which change the wearer's base unarmed damage from 1 bludgeoning damage to 1d3 slashing damage, and have the Finesse and Light properties.  They may be enchanted as any other weapon, and count as a monk weapons for the purposes of the Martial Arts ability.

30 gp

5 lb

Alchemical items

Coldsnap (Vial)

This vial contains dark blue liquids that are very close to freezing over, instantly becoming ice on contact with air.  As an action, you can throw this vial up to 30 feet, whereupon it shatters.  Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the vial as an improvised weapon.  The Coldsnap Vial deals 1d6 cold damage and reduces a creature’s speed by 10 feet for one round. 

20 gp

0.5 lb

Firetongue Elixir

This opaque container contains a milky orange substance that glows when exposed to air but loses its potency in one hour.  When applied to the tongue, causes the top of your tongue to glow, shedding light whenever your mouth is open.  The chemical casts bright light up to 10 feet and dim light an additional 10 feet.  If you are using the light to see, can close your mouth to cover the light as a reaction, and opening it on your turn requires no additional action.

15 gp

0.5 lb

Liquid Smoke

This pale white substance swirls constantly even when the vial is undisturbed.  When thrown at the ground as an action to shatter the bottle, it creates a 5 foot cube of dense smoke that confers total concealment to creatures inside or behind it.  A creature inside it can’t see outside it. It lasts for one minute, or until blown away by a strong breeze or wind. 

20 gp

0.5 lb


This small satchel is worn under a suit of armor, and activates by bursting open when the wearer is grappled by another creature.  This releases a lubricant that gives the wearer advantage on acrobatics and athletics checks to escape any grapple or restraint for one minute.  Slipoil takes one minute to attach to armor that is not currently being worn, and the same amount of time to remove.  It cannot be attached to or removed from armor unless it is unoccupied.  In addition to its primary function, it may be triggered manually by the wearer as an action by striking the breastplate of the armor with an open hand.

30 gp

0.5 lb


This black, sticky gel is applied to the hands and sometimes to the soles of boots or feet as an action, and grants advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to climb for 1 hour. 

10 gp

0.5 lb

Tanglefoot Bag

This satchel contains a mixture of chemicals that harden rapidly upon exposure to air.  As an action, you can throw this bag up to 20 feet, whereupon it opens and dispenses over your target. Make a ranged attack against a creature, treating the tanglefoot bag as an improvised weapon.  On a hit, the target is grappled by the bag’s contents with a speed of 0 for one minute, or until they succeed on a DC 15 Strength save to escape (or another nearby creature uses an action and succeeds on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to free them). 

50 gp

0.5 lb


This hard clay stone contains a pair of minerals that react violently to each other when compressed.  As an action, you can throw this stone up to 30 feet, whereupon it breaks and creates a powerful thunderclap.  Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the Thunderstone as an improvised weapon.  The target and all other creatures within 5 feet take 1d6 thunder damage, and must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be deafened for 1 minute. 

25 gp

1 lb


This smoky gel is hot to the touch but doesn’t burn like fire.  Applying it to the surface of a weapon or to 10 pieces of ammunition takes 1 action.  For one minute, the weapon deals an extra point of fire damage on a successful hit. 

15 gp

0.5 lb


This foul-smelling solvent takes one minute to coat a medium sized creature.  Any Wisdom (Animal Handling) check by the creature is made with disadvantage, and any Beast that bites the creature must first make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or be unable to do so.  Any Beast considers applying this solvent to their skin, fur or scales a hostile action equivalent to being attacked. 

25 gp

0.5 lb