This is a concluded event!  Thank you to all who participated!

On the the Radiant Realm Discord, in a special event held in-game at the Dream in the Ley...

August 19th, 2023

6 PM to 10 pm

Online @ our Discord

in the #Dream In the Ley

Event Details



[ Event sign ups closed ; thank you to all who attended! ]


All participants and attendees for Bardic Inspiration Night receive the following Boon that is attached to them as a player and applies to any and all characters they ever play in Myzelis:

+1 Legend Die

Legend dice can be spent on any character you play.

If a player gains more than one Legend Die, only one can be spent on a single d20 roll, but more than one can be spent over the course of a Radiant Realm D&D session.