Setting rules

Radiant Realm D&D makes use of optional and variant rules presented in the Player's Handbook (PHB), Xanathar's Guide to Everything (XGE) and Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG).  Common House Rules are also listed below with the acronym (RR), and details about these rules is included on this page.  All other optional and variant rules can be found in the sourcebooks (and questions about them will be answered on the discord in the #Questions-and-Answers channel).  For a complete list of what each individual GM uses in their settings, please look on the page for that campaign.


In Character Languages

Myzelis is an ancient world with civilizations that have been thriving separately for thousands of years; mingling, dividing, warring, joining, and breaking apart throughout history.  Additionally, it is far more likely for languages to be based around a shared culture, as opposed to a shared race, due to constant intermingling and trade in many places.  As such, the languages of Myzelis are highly varied even when they share a similar race.  Before you choose your character's languages, please observe the following additional rules regarding language in Season 2. 

You can find a spreadsheet of all publicly available languages (as well as details such as what modes of communication each language includes and where they come) from here: Languages of Myzelis.

Out of Character Language

In most cases, we default to Ancestry in place of "Race", which we use primarily for referencing how it is listed on character sheets, etc.

The Radiant Realm Team has settled on some language errata to terms D&D uses:

While it can cause some confusion to break from established terminology for the game system we're using, it's also important that we strive to do better in spite of any little inconveniences. 

There are some other terms the team is discussing if they warrant changing (we recently learned about the origins of "cannibal" and whew), and if you know of other terms that are misappropriated/misused/etc that we should be looking into, please let us know either using the Report form, or sending a message in the 'Language Errata' post in the Community Forum in our Discord server.

Why are these being changed in Radiant Realm?

Some non-exhaustive links for further reading:


Chronurgy & Graviturgy

When these two new schools of magic were published in Explorer's Guide to Wildemount, it was presented with the following sidebar:


Dunamancy spells are readily available to the wizard subclasses in this chapter and should not be simply added to the full spell lists of other spellcasting classes.  However, the Dungeon Master can consider allowing other spellcasting classes opportunities throughout the campaign to learn a handful of dunamancy-themed spells as rewards.  Perhaps the characters uncover a cache of magical contraband, among which is a couple of spell scrolls, or a traveling acolyte takes some downtime with a friendly cleric character and opens their mind to some of the stranger secrets of the universe, unlocking a spell or two.  There are many unique ways to bring these spells into your game without requiring any specific dunamis-wielding subclasses to be present in the adventuring party. 

Radiant Realm D&D also uses this ruling.  Characters who are not Dunamancers may not start play with Dunamancy spells (from the Chronurgist or Graviturgist traditions), nor select them as free spells for leveling in Wizard, unless given specific permission from their GM to do so due to roleplay.  Bards may acquire them as magical secrets, as befits the nature of their class feature, but the spells are otherwise restricted.


Official Rules

All Campaigns use

Individual GMs and Campaigns May Also Use

Radiant Realm Variant RULES & ERRATA

All Campaigns use

Variant Rules that some Campaigns MAY use

Radiant Realm Magic/Invocation Errata used by all Campaigns