Character Census


The 2023 census received 46 responses over the months of December, January, and February.  We estimate the total number of active or recently active characters that could have been submitted to be approximately 130, making the percentage of reported characters approximately 35% of the total. 

For charts with more options than have visible labels, you can click or hover over the slice to see the number of responses and its percentage of the total responses for that answer.

Current Realm

What Realm is a character currently in, regardless of where they are originally from?


Origin Realm

What Realm is a character is originally from, regardless of wherever they might be presently?


At Home or Abroad?

Is a character currently in the same Realm they originated from?


Backgrounds (Mechanical)

What is a character's mechanical Background?



What major Faction(s) is a character a part of, regardless of whether or not their affiliation is a secret?


Ancestry (Mechanical)

What is the mechanical Ancestry (as in what "Race" stats they use on their character sheet) of a character?


Ancestry (Thematic)

What are the thematic components of a character, as in what are elements of their identity and heritage that are not necessarily expressed in the Ancestry mechanics chosen for them?

Examples:  a character who is Custom Lineage mechanically, with elf, orc, and celestial heritage;  a character who was originally a different species (listed below) who, through magic or plot, became a different species (listed as their mechanical ancestry);  a character who has gained some planar or other influences that might be expressed through feats, but retains their original mechanical ancestry.



What ethnic group(s) is a character a part of


This section is about Classes and Subclasses and will have several different ways of arranging the information.

Total Classes Combined

These are the total instances of a class, whether someone is multiclassed with 1 level in many classes, or is singleclassed.



These are instances of class in which reported characters have a singular class designation (at least so far...)



These are instances of a class being reported among characters with any amount of multiclassing.


Single or Multi


Multiclass Amount



5.8% of all characters have Artificer levels

11.5% of singleclass characters are Artificers

2.3% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Artificer level, and of those, 100% have Artificer as their first class

Artificer Specialists (Total)

Specialists (Singleclass only)

Specialists (Multiclass only)


5.8% of all characters have Barbarian levels

11.5% of singleclass characters are Barbarians

2.3% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Barbarian level, and of those, 100% have Barbarian as their first class

Barbarian Primal Paths (Total)

Primal Paths (Singleclass only)

Primal Paths (Multiclass only)


5.8% of all characters have Bard levels

0% of singleclass characters are Bards

9.3% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Bard level, and of those, 100% have Bard as their second class

Bard Colleges (Total)


8.7% of all characters have Cleric levels

11.5% of singleclass characters are Clerics

7.0% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Cleric level, and of those, 66.7% have Cleric as their first class, 16.7% have Cleric as their second class, and 16.7% have Cleric as their third class

Cleric Domains (Total)

Domains (Singleclass only)

Domains (Multiclass only)


7.2% of all characters have Druid levels

11.5% of singleclass characters are Druids

4.7% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Druid level, and of those, 100% have Druid as their second class

Druid Circles (Total)

Circles (Singleclass only)

Circles (Multiclass only)


5.8% of all characters have Fighter levels

3.8% of singleclass characters are Fighters

7.0% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Fighter level, and of those, 50.0% have Fighter as their first class, and 50.0% have Fighter as their second class

Fighter Martial Archetypes (Total)

Martial Archetypes (Singleclass only)

Martial Archetypes (Multiclass only)


5.8% of all characters have Monk levels

7.7% of singleclass characters are Monks

4.7% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Monk level, and of those, 50.0% have Monk as their first class, and 50.0% have Monk as their second class

Monk Traditions (Total)

Traditions (Singleclass only)

Traditions (Multiclass only)


11.6% of all characters have Paladin levels

7.7% of singleclass characters are Paladins

14.0% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Paladin level, and of those, 66.7% have Paladin as their first class, 16.7% have Paladin as their second class, and 16.7% have Paladin as their fourth class

Paladin Sacred Oaths (Total)

Sacred Oaths (Singleclass only)

Sacred Oaths (Multiclass only)


4.3% of all characters have Ranger levels

0% of singleclass characters are Rangers

7.0% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Ranger level, and of those, 66.7% have Ranger as their first class, and 33.3% have Ranger as their second class

Ranger Archetypes (Total)


15.9% of all characters have Rogue levels

19.2% of singleclass characters are Rogues

14.0% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Rogue level, and of those, 72.7% have Rogue as their first class, and 27.3% have Rogue as their second class

Rogue Archetypes (Total)

Archetypes (Singleclass only)

Archetypes (Multiclass only)


11.6% of all characters have Sorcerer levels

7.7% of singleclass characters are Sorcerers

14.0% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Sorcerer level, and of those, 66.7% have Sorcerer as their first class, 16.7% have Sorcerer as their second class, and 16.7% have Sorcerer as their third class

Sorcerer Origins (Total)

Origins (Singleclass only)

Origins (Multiclass only)


8.7% of all characters have Warlock levels

3.8% of singleclass characters are Warlocks

11.6% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Warlock level, and of those, 80.0% have Warlock as their second class, and 20.0% have Warlock as their first class

Warlock Otherworldly Patrons (Total)

Otherworldly Patrons (Singleclass only)

Otherworldly Patrons (Multiclass only)

Warlock Pacts (Total)

Pacts (Singleclass only)

Pacts (Multiclass only)


2.9% of all characters have Wizard levels

3.8% of singleclass characters are Wizards

2.3% of multiclass characters have at least 1 Wizard level, and of those, 100% have Wizard as their first class.

Wizard Arcane Traditions (Total)

Arcane Traditions (Singleclass only)

Arcane Traditions (Multiclass only)


43.5% of all characters have participated in a Mistcall 


47.8% of all characters have earned a title or honorific 

Inaethric Belief

63.0% of all characters reported some form of Inaethric Belief


[Text pending]

Patron Affiliation

21.7% of all characters reported some form of affiliation with an Otherworldly Patron (whether that relationship is beneficial or not)


[Text pending]