Myzelis PLayer's Guide

The many and varied games of Radiant Realm D&D are campaigns that take place in a world of our own design, called Myzelis.  The lore and some of the rules are different from what you read about in one of the books. Use the links below to get introduced to the setting!

To learn more about the world itself, continue on to the Introduction to Myzelis.

To learn about the optional, variant, and custom rules Radiant Realm D&D uses, continue on to Setting Rules.

For the creating your character, continue on to the Character Creation Guide.

Campaign Calendar

All campaigns (both online and in person) schedule are listed below.

To see only in person campaigns, scroll down to the calendars for the specific store hosting Radiant Realm games.

Radiant Realm games being hosted at Cosmic Games (3930 Meridian St., Suite 101)

Radiant Realm games being hosted at D&Tea (2025 James St #103).  You can read our statement about it here.